make haste to be kind.

i'm over it. 

are you sure.

i'm never sure.

where will you go.

everywhere. anywhere.            i don't know. 

about ten days before i left. new york got cruel. hostile. far from joyful and seasonally uncharacteristic. i cried. i walked away. i usually do. with silence.   

i went to maine.

tree farm. antiques. piano. fireplaces. lavender farm. beach. harbor. hike. stone. harbor. salt. beach harbor. repeat. 


good morning. happy new year.

stop. wait. wave.     crosswalk. 

im not going to argue. fight. or try and beat you to the bodega. the park. the lot. your spot or the bathroom. i won't race you to the subway. the corner or the club.

so please. let me stare. let me be. let me love. and please don't.

yell at my dog. 



if you don't know

what the nova dance is.


think free.

think liberation.

think just enough and not too much.

and dance.